New Replace bot action is out!

New replace bot aaction

The "Replace chatbot" Action got a lot of improvements!

  1. It is now able to dynamically use flow attributes for the chatbot (using the slug) and the action to execute.
  2. It's 10x faster then the previous version
  3. It's now available a "slug" property to reference the destination chatbot.

A “slug” property for the flows (aka chatbots) is introduced to uniquely identify each chatbot and simplify navigation, including import-export operations.

New replace bot aaction

This property is necessary when building chatbot exeperiences to export in other projects. Referencing a chatbot by its name is risky, given that names can easily change over time. While the slug is stable e designed only for reference purposes.

NOTE: to get the new features you must replace all the old actions with the new one.

Find more info on the slug property here:

What do you think about this update?