"Move to Unassigned" new Action

This is the new entry in the Human in the Loop (HITL) actions set.

This action sets this chat status to Unassigned. Useful if you have Smart Assignment active and want to manage all the chat requests through the Unassigned queue.

You can use this action in place of Transfer to a Human action every time you want to manage all of your chat requests using the Unassigned queue.

When Smart Assignment option is active all your unassigned requests will be automatically delivered to human agents with a FIFO style. Oldest chats will be served first.

While the Transfer to a Human Action always tries to find an available agent, the Move to Unassigned always put the request in the Unassigned queue leaving to the Smart Assignment module the task to assign chats in the arrival order to the correct agent.

More info here: https://gethelp.tiledesk.com/articles/move-to-unassigned-action/

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