The new AI Prompt Action is designed to execute LLM-prompts from multiple AI Providers, including on-prem (based on Ollama).
We support Groq, Google (Gemini), Anthropic (Claude) and more.
You can now use custom colors for your blocks to better manage your flow complexity.
With colored blocks you can better manage your graphs. Try it by yourself. Simply click on the color palette from the block menu to open the colors menu.
Human in the Loop update (HITL)!
Sometimes your human agents need to put a chatbot back in the conversation with the users.
With the new "Available to Agents" switch you can selectively choose what chatbot/block your agents can put back in the conversation.
Read the Available to Agents documention page to learn how to put a chatbot back in the conversation.
The "Replace chatbot" Action got a lot of improvements!
A “slug” property for the flows (aka chatbots) is introduced to uniquely identify each chatbot and simplify navigation, including import-export operations.
This property is necessary when building chatbot exeperiences to export in other projects. Referencing a chatbot by its name is risky, given that names can easily change over time. While the slug is stable e designed only for reference purposes.
NOTE: to get the new features you must replace all the old actions with the new one.
Find more info on the slug property here:
We finally added an easy to use action to easily send Whatsapp messages in your flows!
Select the action from the Integrations menu:
Configure it and let us know your feedback!
Tag your contents with custom labels, designed for generative AI!
We created the new “Tag Action”, designed to allow flows to use the “add tag” feature already available to the human operators. With this new action you will be able to classify your flows (or customers) on the fly using tags, also AI-generated. This feature opens a lot of new possibilities, enablig you to better understand how your flows statistically behave on short or long run. Best fits for decision making activities based on automations and generative AI.
We added a new Analytics > Metrics > Tags section to get the best out of this new feature
Please read more on the Tag Action documentation here:
We updated the Knowledge base with a revamped UI!
Bigger buttons for uploading contents with a clear description of the content type you are going to upload.
Knwledge Base toolbar's buttons were moved closer to the contents list, so you can find them where you expect them to be
Every time your Knowledge base chatbot finds a content you would like your users to read the retrieved information directly from the original documents where that information comes from.
With the new "Get contents sources" option of the Ask the Knowledge base action you will get accurate list of sources used to generate the reply.
Use this option to get accurate sources of documents used to generate the reply. Keep in mind that this consumes more tokens than regular KB retrieving. Max-tokens quota will be automatically adjusted to get the citations if needed.
You can activate it in the preview section of the Knowledge base:
Or directly from the chatbot flow:
More info here:
A huge advancement for our Knowledge base engine.
Whenever you want to get your website data into our Knowledge base to create an OpenAI based autoresponder chatbot you'll have a totally new engine!
While the old engine only took data from the HTML page source code, the new one also executes the Javascript on the page using a real (headless) Chrome browser. In this way also HTML pages with content rendered on the browser side will be easily acquired and indexed by the RAG engine.
We also added a new optional "tunable" scraping (Advanced scrape) option, so you can choose what tags or CSS classes consider or ignore during the contents acquisition.
More info here:
This is the new entry in the Human in the Loop (HITL) actions set.
This action sets this chat status to Unassigned. Useful if you have Smart Assignment active and want to manage all the chat requests through the Unassigned queue.
You can use this action in place of Transfer to a Human action every time you want to manage all of your chat requests using the Unassigned queue.
When Smart Assignment option is active all your unassigned requests will be automatically delivered to human agents with a FIFO style. Oldest chats will be served first.
While the Transfer to a Human Action always tries to find an available agent, the Move to Unassigned always put the request in the Unassigned queue leaving to the Smart Assignment module the task to assign chats in the arrival order to the correct agent.
More info here:
With this new action you can reset the current chatbot transcript. It's very useful when you need to restart a conversation within a flow with a ChatGPT Task (or Ask the Knowledge base) that has the "Use chat History" in the Prompt option active.
More info here:
added to the Knowledge Base now natively supports the "FAQ" data type.
You can now add FAQs using the expected Question/Answer format.
Multiple FAQs upload is also supported. Use a comma separated csv file with your questions and answers.
We introduced a new button to optionally enlarge action details panel. Especially useful for features-rich actions, like the Web Request.
Hi everyone,
The long awaited action to update the current conversation lead (aka the current conversation end-user) is finally out.
Drag & drop the action on the designer stage. Ask your user's data (i.e. using the Capture User reply Action) and put the data in the fields you want to update of your user. The lead's selected properties will be updated with the corrispondent (static or dynamic) values.
We're happy to announce that we finally released the new time slots feature!
Now you've the opportunity to set-up multiple time slots for your chatbots, beyond the original General hours
If you need more tuning about hours you can use the new "If Operating Hours" Action to choose how the flow will continue based on a specific time slot you configured in "Settings" > "Operating hours" section.
In the flow, before whatever action (it can be an "Agent handoff", a "Change Department", a "Web Request" etc.) you can place the new "If Operating Hours" Action.
In the following example you can see how we move to the Sales Department based on a specific configured "Sales" slot defined in Settings > Operating hours > Sales dep.
The OPEN flow path will be followed only when the current flow execution time is in the configured hours:
If you de-activate a time slot keep in mind that it will always reply "Open".
Enjoy! 🚀🚀
With the new form-data uploader you can upload your files on your Web APIs endpoints.
This feature is extremly useful if you want to send your files (csv, pdf, images etc.) to some AI data processing endpoint helping you to extract insights fomr your binaries or creating new ones.
Hi everyone, with the new Advanced Reply we have made a big step forward in managing user input, buttons, automatic chatbot closing and so on.
From now on your users will be able to reply through a button but simply writing the text inside, not only clicking on them.
This is extremly useful especially on Whatsapp (or other external channels) where the user sometimes prefer to reply to a question writing a text instead of clicking the button.
Moreover, with the new Reply you can aslo take a specific action when a written text doesn't match any of the buttons text. You can use the "no match" connector to manage this case with a specific flow.
And, as you can see from the above image, you can also manage a "no input" timeout. If the user doesn't reply into the specified amount of the you can take a specific action. This is extremily useful when, for example, you want to close a conversation after some inactivity period. A real game changer option for managing your conversations flow with chatbots :)
Let's try it and let us know what do you think!
New OpenAI Assistants Action is online.
Start interact with your OpenAI Assistants in minutes with TIledesk dedicated action.
Use our "one click" OpenAI Assistant template and follow OpenAI Assistant documentation to learn how to use our OpenAI Assistants integration in Tiledesk.
New Designer AI menu is out.
We moved all AI actions in a special menu option.
It's just under the first "most used" option.
In the AI menu you'll find:
We added the "preview" button so you test your RAGs during the design
We added three tuning parameters: